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Friday, February 19, 2016

February 19, 2016

What happened this week?

Panama. Due to irregular rainfall in 2015, La Laja dam in the central area of Azuero, has lost about 70% of the water stored as of February 16, 2016. La Laja dam is one of the largest water reservoirs in Azuero and supplies water for agricultural crops and farm animals in the surrounding areas. The low water storage has left farm animals in the districts of Villa Lourdes and Guabas without water... Read more

Argentina. Cordoba. Families evacuated due to heavy rain, wind and hail: Approximately 200 people were evacuated due to a heavy storm of rain, wind and hail in the capital of Cordoba Province and surrounding towns on February 15, 2016. Several families from the northern and western parts of the capital were among the evacuees. In addition, there was serious damage to infrastructure, public services and housing. Authorities are gradually restoring power services as of February 16, 2016... Read more

Mexico. Wildfire affected over 200 hectares of grassland in Durango State: Four wildfires have affected more than 118 hectares of grassland that occurred in the State of Durango during the weekend of February 13, 2016. CONAFOR urges people to take precaution... 
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Bolivia. Four provinces in La Paz affected by drought: More than 70% of the provinces of Gualberto, Villarroel, Pacajes, Ingavi and Aroma in La Paz department are being plagued by drought as of February 17, 2016. More than 8,000 llamas are sick with symptoms of dehydration and various skin infections and authorities warn of a serious loss of food supply in the department if there is no help... Read more

Colombia. Emergency in Ráquira due to wildfire: The wildfire consumed 100 hectares of vegetation in Ráquira, in the department of Boyacá on February 15, 2016. Four municipalities have a cloud of smoke in their inner cities. Volunteers and air mobilization support is expected to help combat the wildfire... Read more

Interesting Facts

Flood risk can be higher with levees than without them. People living behind levees on floodplains may not be as immune to flood damage as they think, according to results of a study... Read more

What's new in Disaster Risk Reduction?

Science bodies set to join push to cut disaster risk. At least 65 science bodies say they want to join a UN effort to lower global disaster risk... Read more

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